My Strategies for Enjoying the Holidays AND Finishing the Year Strong

As visions of sugarplums dance in our heads, strings of glowing Christmas lights line our streets, and the smell of gingerbread cookies and peppermint sticks waft through the air, the holidays are fast approaching, and with them, feelings and memories of love, joy, and family. But they can also stir up an unwelcome feeling that…

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The Root of Happiness

What’s your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving is amongst my favorite holidays of the year. And it’s not just because of the delicious culinary creations my husband Mike whips up each year, without fail. It’s because Thanksgiving is the only holiday exclusively devoted to GRATITUDE. I want to let you in on a little secret about gratitude…

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The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Achieving Work Life Balance This Summer

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Achieving Work Life Balance This Summer

I don’t need to remind you that summer is coming. It’s not the type of thing you have to mark down in your day planner. Why? Most of us look forward to the Dog Days of Summer all year long. And for good reason. Summer offers endless possibilities: backyard barbecues, ice cold lemonade, outdoor activities,…

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Why Mompreneurs are Modern-Day Superheroes

I don’t have to tell you that entrepreneurs understand the challenges of achieving work/ life balance. Growing a business takes tenacity. With a myriad of professional, family and personal responsibilities to juggle, entrepreneurs rarely keep traditional 9-to-5 hours. They understand the meaning of early mornings, late nights and hard work.  But there’s one special group…

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Use an "I CAN" Attitude to Earn A+ Results in Business

Can you believe March is already only days away? Two months of 2016 have come and gone. The question is, have you gained the momentum necessary to make your first quarter a record breaker in your business? If you aren’t where you wanted to be, you’re not alone. Many business entrepreneurs and sales professionals start…

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