3 Critical Mistakes That Waste Your Precious Time

If you’re like a lot of people right now, you have more on your plate than ever. It’s not as if you didn’t have a lot to do already, but suddenly you’re also homeschooling your kids, watching grandkids so your adult children can work, or taking care of elderly parents, neighbors, and friends. I’ve heard…

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How to Get Employees on Board with Plans for 2020

We have about 6 weeks left between now and the end of 2019. This is the time to begin strategic planning for 2020. In my decades of experience as a business owner and mentor, I can tell you that the business leaders who achieve the greatest success are those who plan ahead and then regularly…

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The Root of Happiness

What’s your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving is amongst my favorite holidays of the year. And it’s not just because of the delicious culinary creations my husband Mike whips up each year, without fail. It’s because Thanksgiving is the only holiday exclusively devoted to GRATITUDE. I want to let you in on a little secret about gratitude…

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Are You Stepping Up to Serve?

Would you believe me if I told you that the city of Atlanta has the greatest occurrence of human and sex trafficking in the United States? Tragically, this is a true fact. Human trafficking has become an issue in many big cities, especially harbor cities around the US and worldwide. I know this because I…

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Why Holding Grudges is Poison for Your Business

In business we all try to put our best foot forward. In the past, I’ve written about one of the biggest keys to success in business: integrity. When you conduct yourself with integrity – in words and actions – you always put your best foot forward. This is critical in a world where reputations are…

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