Why Communicating Value is the Key to Business Success

This Sunday is Father’s Day, so before I get to this week’s topic, I’d like to wish a Happy Father’s Day to all of the fathers out there, but especially to my husband, Mike, and my brother, Mike Powell, who is an amazing single father. Be sure to show all of the fathers in your…

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The Sales Concept You Must Master to Earn More

Before we get to our blog post for today, I want to acknowledge all of the fathers out there in anticipation of Father’s Day this weekend. Be sure to show your appreciation for all of the fathers in your life this weekend – husbands, fathers, step-fathers, single fathers, fathers-in-law, and grandfathers if you are blessed…

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The Sales Secret That Will Boost Your Revenue

Does this scenario sound familiar? You sell a quality service at a fair price, but your competitors sell a similar service for less. The only way to compete is to compromise on your pricing, delivering the same quality service for less and less. It’s a race to the bottom. And I know you don’t want…

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