How My Sister Got More Out of Her Most Valuable Resource (& You Can Too)

In my 40+ years of experience in sales, business development, and consulting, I’m blessed to have met more incredible entrepreneurs than I can count. Some were respected business leaders in their fields with decades of experience, while others were just getting started. They all had a certain set of qualities and characteristics in spades: passion,…

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Why It’s Not Luck That Some Entrepreneurs Succeed

  Have you ever met a wildly successful, sharply dressed, confident business person and thought to yourself, “Wow, some people have all the luck!” I’ve never been fond of that word. You see, luck has very little to do with success in business. The vast majority of entrepreneurs you envy didn’t achieve their victories because…

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Average to Champions – on the Court and in Business

Did you participate in team sports when you were growing up? Even if not, perhaps you participated in another challenging activity – solo sports like swimming or martial arts, dance, or mental games like chess or debate team. I believe sports can have a profound impact on character and success later in life, and I…

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