The Secret to CAPITALIZING on your Passion

 American journalist and author Hunter Thompson once said that, “Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing.” What Hunter is alluding to is passion with a capital P. Its passion – defined as a strong or powerful emotion, intense affection or love – which has the unparalleled ability to drive entrepreneurs and business…

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What Must We Do to ACHIEVE Our Goals?

How many of you garden?  Mike and I grow herbs in a garden that we love, but we know that to ACHIEVE the best results, we have to consistently tend it by taking care of the basics – watering, weeding, and pruning.  Having a successful business requires much of the same consistent work as gardening.…

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Be SMART About Creating and Achieving Your Goals – part 2

Once you have created your SMART goals, here are a few essential tips to achieving your SMART goals. Write your goals; don’t just store them in your mind.  A goal is not a goal until you write it or type it.  Capture each goal on paper or on the computer screen.  Post the goals in…

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Be SMART About Creating and Achieving Your Goals – part 1

SMART is an acronym – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound – and a simple tool used to create actionable plans for results for both personal and business goals.   SMART goals simply summarize your performance expectations and outline measures to determine when the goal is met.  Let’s take a quick look at each part of a SMART goal: Specific:  Goals must…

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