Be SMART About Creating and Achieving Your Goals

In an effort to help you GROW, last week I challenged you to ask yourself some specific questions and to answer those questions honestly.  Your next step is to take those answers and create short and long term goals for yourself.    To do this, you will want to use the SMART system. SMART is an…

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Why Inviting Objections Will Help Boost Sales

Sharply dressed and armed with your materials and a positive “I Can” attitude, you sit down with a prospect or get on the phone for your scheduled complimentary sales presentation. All is going well when SMACK! You’re hit with an objection. That objection can feel like a blow to inexperienced, less-than-confident business entrepreneurs. When they…

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6 Action Steps You Can Take TODAY to Live Your Best Life

Have you ever met even one business owner who wasn’t motivated by their desire to live a good life? I haven’t. In fact, so many of my Celeste Giordano Coaching clients broke out of their safe 9 to 5 careers eager to carve their own path, set their own hours, and open the door to…

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The 5 Letter Word That Will Explode Your Productivity

We live in a fast world, and the speed at which it moves is amplified in the life of most business owners and entrepreneurs. Whether you’re just getting started or already have a successful business and are working hard to grow your profits, you know the meaning of a full schedule. Our world is also…

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Three Tips to Gain Control of Your Health and Your Life – By: Althea Raum

As busy entrepreneurs and business owners, it’s all too easy to put our physical, mental and emotional health on the back burner while we concentrate on our businesses, our families and the many other miscellaneous responsibilities we have in our lives. We all know the benefits of looking after ourselves, putting ourselves first, exercising and…

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