Life Is Too Short for Poor Planning

I hope this New Year is off to a happy, healthy start for you! Today is the 80th birthday of my wonderful mom, Emily Link! What a huge milestone this is for our family. We are so blessed to have her in good health as we start 2018. She has achieved so much in her…

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How to be SMART about Goalsetting

Here at Celeste Giordano headquarters my clients are in laser-focused growth mode. With 2018 just a few short weeks away, they are implementing strategies and taking the necessary steps to ensure they hit the ground running – and generating profit – in the New Year. American actress and comedian Lily Tomlin says “The road to…

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Are You on Track to Grow a Legacy Business in 2018?

Last week, I shared the secret to growing a thriving business in 2018: investing in yourself. I outlined the four pillars of my action plan for personal investment: Learn, Grow, Achieve and Prosper! In case you missed it, you can take a look at the power of learning to transform your business here. This week,…

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Are You On Track to Finish the Year Strong?

Fall is here

The leaves are turning. The air is just a little crisper. Pumpkins are beginning to pop up on people’s porches. Fall is here in full force. We are now in the fourth and final quarter of the year. Although January is still months away, time has a way of flying by. This is the last…

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Turning Mistakes Into Motivation

Turning Mistakes Into Motivation

Tony Robbins famously says: “No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow your progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.” Every entrepreneur I’ve ever met has made bad choices some time or another. Making the wrong choice isn’t an entrepreneur problem – it’s a people problem! We’ve all made…

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