Today’s the Day to Set SMART Goals for 2023

With only a few weeks left in 2022, now is the time to begin the process of setting goals for the new year. In my decades of experience as a business owner and consultant, I can tell you that those of us who achieve the greatest success are those who regularly pause to make sure…

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Seize the Moment to Set SMART Goals for 2022

With only a few weeks left in 2021, now is the time to begin the process of setting goals for the new year. In my decades of experience as a business owner and consultant, I can tell you that those of us who achieve the greatest success are those who regularly pause to make sure…

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One Month Left in 2020: Don’t Throw in the Towel Now!

Are you having a difficult time closing prospecting calls? Have your sales dropped off? Are you putting in the hours but not yielding your desired results? With just one month left until we ring in the new year, it’s easy to accept the status quo as it is and put off setting and pursuing goals…

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Accountability is Key

“I’ll accomplish great things today,” you tell yourself when you wake up on a Monday morning. It’s the beginning of the week and you’re feeling pumped and ready to work hard and boost sales. With coffee in hand, you sit down in front of your laptop ready to face the busy day ahead. Time flies…

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Fall is Here: Time for Some Self Reflection

Kids are back in school (in some form or another). The heat of the summer has mercifully tempered to give us beautiful September days. The peaches that were plentiful the last couple of months have been replaced by apples in the supermarket. Every year around this time, I take the opportunity to sit down and…

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