3 Questions to Ask to Achieve Growth

One area where I’ve found many business owners struggle is planning for growth. It’s easy to maintain the status quo, but achieving growth requires vision, planning, and determination. Investing your time and effort into growth is worthwhile though, because growth is the avenue to building a legacy business. “Growth is the great separator between those…

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How to Avoid Shuttering Your Business

According to the US Chamber of Commerce, more than half of small businesses are currently worrying about the possibility of having to permanently close their doors. Their fears are well-founded, as the Washington Post reported this summer that 100,000 small businesses have already closed forever as a result of the pandemic. These statistics are on…

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Why Turning “I Can’t” into “I Can!” Is Essential These Days

Can you believe August is already here? For many of you, this month marks the beginning of a school year unlike any other for your children. You may be counting the days until they start back full time, setting up a schedule so they can do virtual school from home, or somewhere in between. Whatever…

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The 5 Characteristics of People Who Excel in Sales

From time to time, I meet with prospective clients who say, “I’m just not very good at sales. I know I need to do it. I know I can’t grow without it. But it’s just not my strength.” While I encourage the business owners and entrepreneurs I work with to focus on their top skill…

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Forget Resolutions, Forget Lofty Dreams – It’s Time for a Master Plan

After ringing in the New Year with friends and family, many entrepreneurs and professionals look at the year ahead with high hopes and excitement. Unfortunately, that hope fizzles out as quickly as our New Year’s resolutions. It’s not news that New Year’s resolutions rarely stick. But often, business owners ignore the fact that the same…

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