Timeless Wisdom from Mom Applies to Your Business, Too!

With Mother’s Day this weekend, this is a great time to take a moment to honor all of the hard-working women in our lives — our friends, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, stepmothers, ourselves, and of course, our moms. This Sunday, thank a woman in your life other than your mom for the contribution she has made…

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The Powerful Impact of Servant Leadership

A young woman holding a toddler on her hip stands next to the sign reading "Women of Community Impact Family Suite"

It’s my intention to approach everything in my life as a servant. Whether I’m serving my clients, my team, community organizations, or friends and family, I put great stock in serving because I believe our ability and duty to serve others is one of the reasons we are here on earth. So when it comes…

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The Secret to Advancing Faster & 4 Easy Tips to Start Implementing it Now

Are you frustrated that you aren’t advancing fast enough at work? Or is your business not growing as quickly as you’d hoped? Entrepreneurs and business professionals tend to have grand plans and lofty goals. This is a good thing! Because when we set our standards low, we never accomplish anything remarkable. You NEED those big…

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What’s Your Plan to Serve Others This Holiday Season?

Thanksgiving is just one week away, which means Christmas will be here before we know it! This time of year is hectic for busy professionals and entrepreneurs. In addition to the holiday get-togethers and shopping, there’s also the drive to finish the year strong. You may need to spend more of your time on accounting,…

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10 Leadership Principles You Can Count On

When was the last time you felt inspired? As cofounder and leader of The Women of Community Impact, I feel inspired and energized each time we successfully launch a new service project or networking event. Before we talk more about where your leadership inspiration comes from, I want to highlight a few of the events…

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