It’s Ok to Pat Yourself on the Back

Somewhere over time, society has taught us that we should be humble and quietly go about our business. Again and again, the message is reinforced that we should never “toot our own horn”. This lesson is often doubly reinforced to women. I have to break the mold and say that there’s a real problem with this…

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Why SO many businesses fail (& how to break the trend)

According to Bloomberg Business, 8 in every 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months. Why do 80% of new businesses fall short of the success they work so hard to achieve? At the surface level, the reason so many businesses fail is pretty straightforward – they run out of money. But,…

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How to "Feel" Your Way Through the Sales Process

You don’t have to be a psychologist to master the art of sales, but there IS a psychology to effective selling. That’s because choosing whether or not to buy isn’t just an intellectual exercise. To the contrary, buying is emotional. As a salesperson, you need to be 100% in tune with the emotional status of…

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Do you know the difference between telling & selling?

Remember those four words we all dread to hear at the end of a sales presentation? “I’ll Think About It…” Last week we explored how to respond to those words and revive your chances of closing the sale. But, if your prospects are regularly telling you that they need to think it over, there is…

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The Real Value of Your Rolodex

Ah, the Rolodex. While you may have uploaded your contacts to your SmartPhone and tucked your Rolodex away in a drawer to collect dust, make no mistake about it – there’s VALUE in each and every contact you have. As a business owner and entrepreneur, you understand the importance of building relationships. If you’re like…

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