Is THIS What’s Keeping You From Making the Sale?

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Today’s blog post gives you insight on a challenging aspect of sales. If you can master this technique, you’ll be more likely to meet your sales goals, without leaving it to luck. Do you struggle to get past the gatekeeper and reach decision makers in order to close the sale? If…

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3 Signs it’s Time to Work with a Business Coach

The end of June marks the halfway point of 2017. It may be the beginning of the summer season – a time many of us associate with R&R. But it’s also a critical month for business owners and sales professionals to take a pause and ask themselves: “Am I where I want to be?” If…

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The Power of Recognizing Your Value

Are you your best friend or your own worst enemy? The answer to this question matters more than you might think. That’s because your relationship with yourself – that is, how you view yourself and value your worth – has a powerful ripple effect on all areas of your life. How much you value yourself…

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Do you deserve a prosperous 2017?

The US is often called “the land of opportunity and prosperity.” But how do you define prosperity? Of course, you attain wealth when your financial accomplishments become a reality. As entrepreneurs, we all strive to reach and exceed our sales goals. A business  isn’t sustainable if it isn’t profitable. But prosperity isn’t just limited to material…

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