What Will You Reflect on This New Year’s?

Every year, as the clock winds down on the current year and we anticipate the revelry of the ball dropping, noise-makers, and kissing loved ones at the stroke of midnight, I take the opportunity to sit down and do some good old-fashioned soul searching. With 40+ years of business experience, I have found that self-reflection…

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New Year’s Is a Time for Reflection – Here’s How

  Every year, as the clock winds down on the current year and we anticipate the revelry of the ball dropping, noise-makers, and kissing loved ones at the stroke of midnight, I take the opportunity to sit down and do some good old-fashioned soul searching. With 40+ years of business experience, I have found that…

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Close More Sales by Learning to Handle THIS Response

As entrepreneurs, you’ve all navigated your way through your fair share of complimentary sales calls and meetings. You’ve prepared, practiced and done your very best to present the many benefits of the service you offer. Once you’ve made your offer and you’re ready to close, there are 4 words you dread to hear: “I’ll think…

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