Don’t Give Up – Keep Working Toward Your Dreams

  Do you ever think about giving up on a dream? Maybe you’re frustrated about how your business is doing. Or you’re discouraged about your progress toward making a dream come true. We all face opposition and we all get weary at times. That’s what I want to talk about today. Perhaps you feel like…

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How to Build an Outstanding Personal Brand

These days, you can’t browse a career-oriented website without coming across the buzzwords, “personal branding.” This phrase raises a lot of questions… What is personal branding? How is it different from corporate branding? And how do you develop a positive, distinctive personal brand? Personal branding is how people remember you or think of you. That…

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The Secret to CAPITALIZING on your Passion

 American journalist and author Hunter Thompson once said that, “Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing.” What Hunter is alluding to is passion with a capital P. Its passion – defined as a strong or powerful emotion, intense affection or love – which has the unparalleled ability to drive entrepreneurs and business…

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