4 Lessons From Sports to Apply to Your Business Now

I have some news that might shock you… We are already halfway through 2022. It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? This is a perfect time to pause and reflect on whether or not you’re meeting the goals you set out for yourself this year. As you may know, I played basketball growing up and all…

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Why Forward-Thinkers Will Embrace Working From Home

Long gone are the industrial-era, early 20th century days when men boarded trains and buses each morning to factories to work all day before reversing their journeys home for a few hours of rest and family life. And yet, that basic premise had stuck with us until the pandemic hit, ushering us in our homes…

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How to Use This Time Wisely – Even If It’s Not How You Imagined

We are living through challenging, historic times in our nation’s history. Life does not look the same now as it did just one short month ago. Work or income may suddenly be scarce for you, you may be worried about your health or the health of your loved ones, and we’re staying home for the…

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