Support is a two-way street: Lift up those that lift you!

Entrepreneurship challenges us in so many ways each day. We put our heads down and chase our dreams, encountering both successes and bumps along the way. When you hit a bump in the road, do you have a support system there to lift you up and put you back on the road to success? I…

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5 Steps to Create New Opportunities in Your Life

One of the most common problems my clients face in their business is feeling stuck in their circumstances. It’s a sentiment I hear a lot these days, especially from the Millennial and Gen-Z generations. They say, “We’ll never be able to accomplish the things that generations before us did. We’ll never be able to build…

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The Secret to Unlocking Your Leadership Potential

  If you’re looking to inspire others and effectively lead people around you, you need the right combination of practiced skills and qualities. Leaders are known for possessing many skills and qualities from charisma to confidence, innovation to integrity. But there is one leadership attribute that is often overlooked that has the power to unlock…

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3 Reasons to Say Goodbye to Negative Thinking

Picture this: You’re at a conference when you strike up a polite conversation with the man standing next to you at the coffee station. After basic introductions, you ask him how he’s enjoying the event. Within seconds, the man is bitterly ranting about how the keynote speaker was unimpressive, the food is sub-par, and he…

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Easter Greetings: How to Go From Despair to Hopeful

Happy Easter blessings to you and your family this weekend! I hope that you have a lovely Easter Sunday enjoying beautiful spring weather, a church service, an Easter egg hunt, and/or a nice meal around the family table with bountiful blessings. Today, we are going to talk about a topic that is near and dear…

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