Two Things to Plan for Right Now

Before we get to this week’s blog post about planning for growth, I want to remind you of another important thing to plan for, and that is voting. Voting is more than a right we all hold as citizens, it is a civic duty, and a sacred responsibility. Soon, we will all have the opportunity…

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How & Why We Need to Forgive to Unlock Success

These days, many of us are feeling aggrieved, even if we are blessed to have stayed healthy, retained our jobs, and kept our loved ones safe from harm. Throughout life, each of us has been hurt or wronged somewhere along the way. Pain and disappointment are inevitable parts of the journey we call life. With…

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Turning Mistakes Into Motivation

Turning Mistakes Into Motivation

Tony Robbins famously says: “No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow your progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.” Every entrepreneur I’ve ever met has made bad choices some time or another. Making the wrong choice isn’t an entrepreneur problem – it’s a people problem! We’ve all made…

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