How Your Team’s Online Presence Affects Sales

P.T. Barnum is famously quoted as saying, “There is no such thing as bad publicity.” Barnum was a notorious publicity hound, and on some level, I agree with him—visibility is essential to accelerating an entrepreneur’s success. On the other hand, in our current day and age of instant online reviews, no one can be cavalier…

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An Overlooked Strategy to Increase Sales

I want to share a statistic I read recently that might shock you… 53% of decision makers have eliminated potential vendors from consideration based on information they found online about one of the vendor’s employees. We all know that companies Google potential candidates for employment before they hire but did you consider that the same…

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Zoom Meeting Rules: How to be Professional, Courteous & Productive

If you’re like most of us, you’ve been on several Zoom calls within the past week, and you have more to come in the weeks ahead. Businesses are relying on Zoom like never before. Families are getting together on Zoom, FaceTime, and Google Hangouts regularly. And even children are using Zoom for learning. All of…

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