Harness the Power of Positive Thinking

Two glasses of water with text above them reading, "Is your glass half-full or half-empty?"

People often describe themselves or others as having a “glass half-full” or “glass half-empty” personality. And surely we all have situations we approach with more positivity than others. No one is a ball of sunshine 100 percent of the time. But think about the last professional event you attended. When striking up polite conversation with…

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Why It Pays to Nix Negative Thinking

Why It Pays to Nix Negative Thinking

Picture this: You’re at a business conference when you strike up a polite conversation with the man standing next to you at the coffee station. After basic introductions, you ask him how he’s enjoying the event. Within seconds, the man is bitterly ranting about how the keynote speaker was unimpressive, the food is sub-par and…

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