Choose Faith Over Fear

Happy Easter blessings to you and your family! There is much to celebrate today, even if you are not doing so the way you normally would. I hope that you can still enjoy church via livestream or catch a sermon on TV. If the weather cooperates, you can enjoy hiding Easter eggs for the children.…

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The 5 Characteristics of People Who Excel in Sales

From time to time, I meet with prospective clients who say, “I’m just not very good at sales. I know I need to do it. I know I can’t grow without it. But it’s just not my strength.” While I encourage the business owners and entrepreneurs I work with to focus on their top skill…

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Hearing “No” or “I’ll Think About It?” 3 Strategies to Close More Sales

I’ve never met a salesperson, entrepreneur, or business owner who hasn’t experienced rejection in sales. While many business novices assume they’ve done something wrong or they’re bad at sales when they hear rejection, the truth is, hearing “no” or no-in-disguise, “I’ll think about it”, is something we all experience. It’s a normal, natural, and expected…

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Can’t Reach the Sales Decision Maker? Now You Can. Here’s How…

Can’t Reach the Sales Decision Maker? Now You Can. Here’s How...

Do you struggle to get past the gatekeeper and reach decision makers in order to close the sale? If so, you’re not alone. Not all sales professionals and entrepreneurs face gatekeepers, but if you serve businesses or leaders, you no doubt know what I’m talking about. Even if you never face a gatekeeper, you surely…

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Why Accountability is the X-Factor to Success in Sales and Business

When’s the last time you met a successful business entrepreneur or sales professional who didn’t exude confidence? To achieve success in business – and especially in sales – you need to be self-assured. Walk into a sales presentation or networking event with self-doubt, and others will inevitably doubt you and the value of what you…

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