Take Time to Honor Our Veterans Today (and Every Day)

Today is Veterans Day here in the U.S. (Our Canadian neighbors to the north are also honoring their veterans today, which they call Remembrance Day.) Veterans Day has always held a very special place in my home and my heart. I am proud to say that my husband Mike served in the Air Force for…

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Fall is Here: Time for Some Self Reflection

Kids are back in school (in some form or another). The heat of the summer has mercifully tempered to give us beautiful September days. The peaches that were plentiful the last couple of months have been replaced by apples in the supermarket. Every year around this time, I take the opportunity to sit down and…

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What Will You Reflect on This New Year’s?

Every year, as the clock winds down on the current year and we anticipate the revelry of the ball dropping, noise-makers, and kissing loved ones at the stroke of midnight, I take the opportunity to sit down and do some good old-fashioned soul searching. With 40+ years of business experience, I have found that self-reflection…

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