Gratitude for our Freedom this Independence Day

Happy Independence Day to all of my friends in the USA! July 4 is a special day for me. My beloved grandmother was born on July 4, and her sister, one of my favorite aunts, passed away on July 4 a few years ago. I always take time on this holiday to thank God for…

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How Do You Put a Value on Freedom?

Do you find it ironic that the things we value most are sometimes the easiest to take for granted. We have so many personal freedoms and liberties that it’s hard to be conscious of their value on a day to day basis. That’s why I value Veteran’s Day, a time of year when we as…

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The Land of the Free Business Entrepreneur

When you think of July 4th, you may think of colorful fireworks displays, lazy family picnics or sunny backyard BBQs. These are some of the wonderful memories that come to mind when I think of July 4th. I have cherished childhood memories of spending summers visiting with my grandmother – Grandma Quinn – in South…

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