Why Independence & Freedom are Our Greatest Assets

What drives a business entrepreneur? Sure, money and status are factors that motivate many entrepreneurs to work hard to produce results. But, it’s so much more than that. Many people turn to entrepreneurship driven by their hunger for freedom and independence. Breaking free of the conventional 9-to-5 job, they crave independence and freedom to choose…

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What are you grateful for?

The turkey is basting, the pumpkin pie is baking, the smell of Thanksgiving is in the air. If you’re lucky, you’ll soon be surrounded friends, family and loved ones, pausing from your busy professional life to reflect on what matters most. Somehow, though, too many busy business owners and entrepreneurs let Thanksgiving come and go…

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Put Your Prospect in a "YES" State of Mind

Last week, we dove into the emotional journey that prospective buyers often experience while listening to a sales presentation. For many potential clients, that emotional roller coaster includes a number of negative feelings including anxiety, annoyance, pressure, skepticism and downright fear. But, that’s not how prospects want to feel. No, they innately want to feel…

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The Land of the Free Business Entrepreneur

When you think of July 4th, you may think of colorful fireworks displays, lazy family picnics or sunny backyard BBQs. These are some of the wonderful memories that come to mind when I think of July 4th. I have cherished childhood memories of spending summers visiting with my grandmother – Grandma Quinn – in South…

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