Be SMART About Creating and Achieving Your Goals

In an effort to help you GROW, last week I challenged you to ask yourself some specific questions and to answer those questions honestly.  Your next step is to take those answers and create short and long term goals for yourself.    To do this, you will want to use the SMART system. SMART is an…

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How Forgiveness Puts You on a Fast-Track to Success

In a room full of successful entrepreneurs and business owners, you’d be hard-pressed to find even a handful who haven’t been wronged or hurt somewhere along their route to success. Maybe the wrongdoing was the result of an honest mistake – one that set you back or lost you money – but a mistake that…

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Three Tips to Gain Control of Your Health and Your Life – By: Althea Raum

As busy entrepreneurs and business owners, it’s all too easy to put our physical, mental and emotional health on the back burner while we concentrate on our businesses, our families and the many other miscellaneous responsibilities we have in our lives. We all know the benefits of looking after ourselves, putting ourselves first, exercising and…

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The Secret to CAPITALIZING on your Passion

 American journalist and author Hunter Thompson once said that, “Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing.” What Hunter is alluding to is passion with a capital P. Its passion – defined as a strong or powerful emotion, intense affection or love – which has the unparalleled ability to drive entrepreneurs and business…

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