The Fix for Life’s Many Distractions

Do you ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day? As busy entrepreneurs and professionals, it’s easy to have a to do list 3 times longer than you could ever get done in a single day. Your time is finite. The new year is a reminder of the onward march of time.…

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Why Mastery Is the Surprising Key to Referrals

I’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating: the best marketing tool you can utilize for your business is referrals. Referrals will save you time, energy, and money in the quest for more clients because instead of going in search of them, they come to you with a positive impression built right in. With that…

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4 Success Strategies for Dealing with Toxic People

4 Success Strategies for Dealing with Toxic People

Creating a thriving Legacy Business takes laser focus, a positive mindset and drive. But it can be extremely difficult to maintain your focus when you find yourself surrounded by toxic people. Toxic people are the masters of negativity. It’s common for toxic people to create drama and chaos in their own lives and the lives…

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Why Holding Grudges is Poison for Your Business

In business we all try to put our best foot forward. In the past, I’ve written about one of the biggest keys to success in business: integrity. When you conduct yourself with integrity – in words and actions – you always put your best foot forward. This is critical in a world where reputations are…

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Boost Productivity by Mastering THIS Skill

Technology is designed to make our lives easier, allowing us to do things more quickly or efficiently. Two decades ago, new technologies like email and teleconferencing led to a rise in productivity for business owners and professionals. Information flowed with greater speed and ease. Collaboration with coworkers and communication with clients and prospects became easier…

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