The Truth About Millennials

Way back in 2016, Millennials became the largest group in the workforce, and by 2025, they will account for 75 percent of the global workforce! With 2025 getting closer (can you believe we only have a little over a year?!?), I thought it was time to discuss the truth about Millennials. Did you know that…

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Why Team Members Quit & How to Prevent Early Departures

Before we get to today’s topic, I must mention that today is our anniversary. Mike and I have been married 27 years! We are celebrating our anniversary, along with Kirby of course, by spending a week in Ontario, Canada, visiting Bayfield, ON, driving along the lake to the Blue Mountains, and then into Toronto. We…

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The Surprising Reason for Low Revenue (& What to Do About It)

Have you experienced a decrease in revenue? Or is revenue not growing as quickly as you expected? If you’re like most business leaders, when this happens you start looking into the cause, and before long, you’re blaming shifting demand, a slowing economy, or an increase in the cost of doing business. One area you likely…

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