One Secret That Can Change Your Bottom Line & Company Culture

I have a pop quiz for you. What color is a YIELD sign? Before I answer this question, I have to credit Brian Biro, a bestselling author and business expert, with opening my eyes to this interesting fact. The answer to my question is red and white. If you are among the 95% of people…

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Are You Utilizing One of Your Most Valuable Business Tools?

Client loyalty is not one of those topics that business owners get all that excited about… But they should. Especially in times of economic uncertainty – but truly anytime – growing client loyalty is one of the most valuable tools a business owner or sales professional can utilize. Businesses that inspire loyalty among their customers…

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Get Involved in Your Community and Your Business Will Thrive

Before sharing the importance of getting involved in your community, I want to let you in on a few ways that I am getting involved in my community this week. I would love for you to join any of these opportunities. On May 19th, I, along with Sara Poe, hosted our second “Legacy Building Blueprint”…

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The Secret to Building Customer Loyalty

The Secret to Building Customer Loyalty

What differentiates a mediocre business from a Legacy Business? There are a few business fundamentals that you need to understand in order to drive sales and achieve longevity in your business. One of the most critical fundamentals that will keep the lights on and doors open in your business is customer loyalty. Legacy Business owners…

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