The #1 Secret to Why Mentorship Pays!

36 years ago Zig Ziglar – a man who mentored millions during the course of his career – became my first motivational mentor. It’s fitting then that I borrow one of his many popular expressions: “A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could.” In the…

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Overcome the phobia 75% of people suffer from to explode your business

There are two words that have the power to evoke fear in 75 percent of the population (that’s 3 out of every 4 people) and leave otherwise confident, capable business professionals faint, sweaty-palmed and with their stomach in knots: Public speaking. According to many popular surveys, fear of public speaking – or “Glossophobia” – is…

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Are You Worth It? Absolutely! Let’s Change Your Mindset!

As comedienne Lucille Ball quipped, “You really have to love that you deserve respect, kindness, success, and prosperity in your life.  Simply put, worthiness or  self-esteem is a person’s judgment of his own value, merit, or usefulness.  It stems from our deep human need to be known and accepted for who we really are and what we have to offer.yourself to…

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The Road Ahead: What Will You Do Differently This Year?

Changing the way things are done can bring opportunities for great success. Our natural reaction to thinking about change may be worry or fear.  That can result in a decrease in quality of work or a loss of production.  When it comes to work and business, it can be tempting to give in to those…

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