What to Do If You’re Not on Track to Meet Your Goals

Can you believe that we are only two weeks away from the fourth quarter and final stretch of 2022? As we embrace the blessedly cooling temperatures and all of the fun and festivity that fall brings, it is a critical moment for business owners and sales professionals to take a pause and ask themselves: “Am…

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Fall is Here: Time for Some Self Reflection

Kids are back in school (in some form or another). The heat of the summer has mercifully tempered to give us beautiful September days. The peaches that were plentiful the last couple of months have been replaced by apples in the supermarket. Every year around this time, I take the opportunity to sit down and…

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Why It Pays to Be Prepared

There are times in life when it’s exciting to be spontaneous. You can decide to take a last-minute weekend getaway on a whim or be daring on a date and try a new ethnic cuisine. But there are also times when it pays to be prepared. Pregnancy is one of those times. A pregnancy may…

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Apply these Olympic Lessons to Win Gold in Your Business

On August 5, our nation turned its attention to the 2016 Olympics in Rio. Over 207 countries from around the world are competing in 306 events in 28 sports. As proud Americans, we’ve held our breaths and rooted as our athletes have pushed themselves to go higher, faster and stronger. Athletes are fiercely goal oriented.…

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Use It or Lose It: How to Tap Your True Potential THIS Year

“Untapped potential is the difference between where a person is now and where he or she can be.” – Bo Bennett Sales is always something I had a natural knack for.  That doesn’t mean I didn’t work at it, and it doesn’t mean I’ve never stumbled, but sales and networking have always been strengths of…

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