Why Knowing Your Business’s Numbers Is Essential to Growth

If math wasn’t your favorite subject in school, trust me: you are not alone. Often the creative types who are driven to be innovative, pave their own paths, and build their own businesses just aren’t engrossed in the numbers. They’d often rather be networking, selling, marketing—anything but number crunching. Can you relate? Luckily, every entrepreneur…

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7 Relationship-Building Strategies that Will Accelerate Your Business

7 Relationship-Building Strategies that Will Accelerate Your Business

People often ask me what my number one strategy is for developing new business. I could spend hours sharing the importance of crafting a killer marketing strategy, mastering proven sales techniques and attending the right networking events. These are all critical components of business development. In the coming months, I’ll share some of the strategies…

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How Forgiveness Unlocks the Path to Success

Finding an entrepreneur who hasn’t been hurt or wronged somewhere, somehow along the way is next to impossible. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. Pain and disappointment are inevitable parts of the journey we call life. We have a choice: to hold on to hurt and resentment or to let go and move forward. By…

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Ready, Set, Launch: The Secret to Making Your Non-Profit Event A Success

“We Rise By Lifting Others” – Robert Ingersoll I’ve long preached about how vital it is to get involved in an organization or cause you believe in. Volunteering is one of the most powerful opportunities for personal and professional growth. This year, I encountered a new opportunity to serve in a leadership role as President…

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