The Sales Secret That Will Boost Your Revenue

Does this scenario sound familiar? You sell a quality service at a fair price, but your competitors sell a similar service for less. The only way to compete is to compromise on your pricing, delivering the same quality service for less and less. It’s a race to the bottom. And I know you don’t want…

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Why Storytelling Sells

“Let me share a story with you….” and “I remember when…” are grown up versions of “Once upon a time”. Stories maintain their appeal regardless of our age or life stage. Storytelling is one of the oldest art forms. Throughout history, every human culture has shared stories for one simple reason: they help us understand…

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Learn the Art of Value Selling to Earn More THIS Year

Tired of competing on price? You’re not alone. Let’s break down the problem: You sell a quality service, but your competitors do too. When you sell based on price alone, you’ll constantly be undercut by those in your industry with lower pricing. The only way to compete is to compromise on your pricing, delivering the…

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How to Hold Yourself Accountable TODAY

“I’ll accomplish great things today,” you tell yourself when you wake up on a Monday morning. It’s the beginning of the week and you’re feeling pumped and ready to work hard and boost sales. With coffee in hand, you sit down in front of your laptop ready to face the busy day ahead. Time flies…

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