How To Sell Your Business and Yourself More Effectively

Don't be afraid to share your accomplishments!

Do you ever feel embarrassed or silly when a colleague compliments your work? Or perhaps you change the conversation to praise another co-worker instead of receiving the accolades yourself. If this sounds familiar, rest assured that you are not alone!  Many people struggle with how to discuss the parts of themselves they are proud of,…

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How to Turn Objections into Opportunities

Turn Objections into Opportunities with Celeste Giordano Consulting

The past two weeks, we have discussed lead generation, including both warm leads and cold calling. Once you’ve gotten through the door with these prospects, you need to be ready for the next challenge you may face. When you sit down with a prospect or get on the phone for your scheduled complimentary sales presentation,…

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Shake Off Your Fear of Cold Calling

Halloween is coming up, and that means it is the season for frights. Today, I am writing about two words that may make the hair on your arms stand up straight in fear: cold calling (cue the haunting music!). Many people avoid cold calling if at all possible, stacking their to-do lists with anything else…

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Why Every Entrepreneur Needs to Master Lead Generation

This week, I am sharing the tremendous value of lead generation, and how you can develop your own lead generation skills. But first, do you know that I have dozens of videos on topics like this on my YouTube Channel? If you have not already done so, head on over there and click the Subscribe…

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How Your Team’s Online Presence Affects Sales

P.T. Barnum is famously quoted as saying, “There is no such thing as bad publicity.” Barnum was a notorious publicity hound, and on some level, I agree with him—visibility is essential to accelerating an entrepreneur’s success. On the other hand, in our current day and age of instant online reviews, no one can be cavalier…

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