Business Goals
The Successful Entrepreneur's Secret to Overcoming Holiday Mania
As the holiday season fast approaches, countless entrepreneurs and hardworking business owners quietly wish they had more – and could do more – for the ones they love. Sound familiar? Some business entrepreneurs wish that they could buy special gifts or host large, elegant get-togethers with family and friends without having to consider the price…
Read MoreHow to Avoid Making December a Bust
With another Fall behind us, we brace for the low temperatures that accompany the beginning of a new year. As savvy business owners and entrepreneurs, it’s important to pause amidst our busy schedules for a little self-reflection. When’s the last time you asked yourself, “Am I where I want to be professionally?” “Are my actions…
Read MoreYou Can't Hit a Home Run without Follow Through
How many of you have a green thumb and enjoy gardening? Mike and I grew herbs in a garden we have grown to love this summer, and it’s been rewarding. But we knew that to ACHIEVE the best results, we had to consistently tend it by taking care of the basics – watering, weeding, and…
Read MoreBe SMART About Creating and Achieving Your Goals
In an effort to help you GROW, last week I challenged you to ask yourself some specific questions and to answer those questions honestly. Your next step is to take those answers and create short and long term goals for yourself. To do this, you will want to use the SMART system. SMART is an…
Read MorePlanning for Growth
This week we continue the focus on our motto, LEARN, GROW, ACHIEVE and PROSPER, by focusing on the second word – GROW. As a reminder, the definition of GROW is to become better or improved in some way, or to become more developed and mature. “Growth is the great separator between those who succeed and…
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